Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog about Twitter

         Twitter discussions are very different from the discussions you can have on blackboard. One reason is the you can only enter a maximum of 140 characters which is not enough for an in depth discussion about a certain topic. This forces us to manipulate our vocabulary to fit the 140 character requirement. And in a way, it is more informal then blackboard.
         Blackboard on the other gives more freedom to express your own opinions. You can write as much as you want to about a certain topic without worrying about character limits, unless it is mentioned by the professor. If i would to choose between Twitter discussions and blackboard discussions, it would be blackboard only because of freedom to write as much as I want. I don't think I can handle the restrictions Twitter imposes on me.
         An in-class discussion is also very different from a Twitter discussion because in class discussions are only restricted to how long class is. And it is verbal communication between students and the professor while Twitter discussions are through texts via the Internet. These are the comparisons between Twitter discussions, Blackboard discussions, and in-class discussions.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I just tried replying to some comments on Twitter. After you put the class tag and the person's user name who you are responding to, you have very few characters left to write anything. Aside from that, it's also pretty interesting and different from anything else I have ever done.
