Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Next New Thing

If I was to create some a new type of "new media", it would be to expand the Internet into the MTA system. We all know that riding the MTA can be very boring especially when some of us have to travel from home to school/work that can take over an hour. With Internet access, we are able to occupy ourselves with more important things other than listening to music, playing games, etc while we are riding the trains below ground level; we can save time by doing things we normally aren't able to do underground and use our free time to do something more important. For example, since I am a student, I can do some work that requires Internet access such as this CIS class. I believe that with Internet in the MTA system, people will be able to utilize their time more efficiently.


  1. That's a cool idea. Living on Staten Island I spend at least one and a half hours traveling to school so I'd like to be more productive during this time instead of just listening to music.

  2. Wifi on the subway-everyday dream of every Newyorker !!!!! Let's hope it will not increase the price....;(

  3. Yea, maybe one day they may actually have wifi in underground subways, that would be great. It would also make commuting a lot more fun and easier.

  4. I think they have been planning on installing wifi as well as putting cell phone service down there. As good as that may seem, a lot of people are complaining the train is "one of their only places where they can stay away from it all" because of the lack of service and connectivity down there. I kind of agree with that because it would be a little annoying when you are stuck in a train and everyone around you are talking on their phones with their own conversation, especially during rush hour.

  5. This would be very cool, and easily possible too.. Not sure why there are buses and planes with wifi but not subways.. Although it may be just as bad as the Baruch wifi, it still would be cool.
